This course in conducted in English and Danish. -
See below for description in Danish
The course in general food hygiene is a certificate education that meets the requirements of the Danish Vatenary and Food Administration and the Danish Maritime Authority. We offer the course as e-learning to make it easier for shipping companies and crew agencies to offer their staff a certificate course that documents that the requirements of the MLC 2006 convention have been met.
Good to know
This registration is for shipping companies, crew agencies and others who want to register employees for the hygiene course from SEA HEALTH & WELFARE. The employee automatically receives access to the course and a certificate when the course has been completed.
About the hygiene course
In order to meet the requirements of the MLC 2006 convention, rule 3.2, and the Danish Maritime Authority's rules, shipping companies must ensure that the staff in the galley have the necessary skills. In this connection, SEA HEALTH & WELFARE has been approved to hold hygiene courses. That is why we offer this hygiene course as e-learning.
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Description (in Danish)
Fingrene i Fødevarerne – Hygiejnekursus
Kurset i almen fødevarehygiejne er en certifikatuddannelse, der opfylder kravene fra Fødevarestyrelsen og Søfartsstyrelsen. Vi tilbyder kurset som e-learning for at gøre det nemmere for rederier og crew-agenturer at tilbyde deres personale et certifikatkursus, der dokumenterer, at kravene i MLC 2006-konventionen er opfyldt.
Godt at vide
Denne tilmelding er for rederier, besætningsbureauer og andre, der ønsker at tilmelde medarbejdere til hygiejnekurset fra SEA HEALTH & WELFARE. Medarbejderen får automatisk adgang til kurset og et bevis, når kurset er gennemført.
Om hygiejnekurset
For at opfylde kravene i MLC 2006-konventionen regel 3.2 og Søfartsstyrelsens regler skal rederierne sikre, at personalet i kabyssen har de nødvendige kompetencer. I den forbindelse vil SEA HEALTH & WELFARE er godkendt til at afholde hygiejnekurser. Derfor tilbyder vi dette hygiejnekursus som e-learning.
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